Tuesday, May 17, 2011


After I posted this, http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/04/20/political.myths/ he replied:

What you think is truth is not truth its oppinion. And your people you idolize's oppinion. I really dont pay attention for most part of what you send or post cause is just hate stuff. When I see you post the bad stuff from your party as well as good stuff maybe I pay attention. Untill then you are one sided and think that solution is lower taxes. Taxes are already low and no jobs created. Actually you want to cut more jobs

Then me: Do you know how often I hear this from those who reside on the left of the political spectrum? You sound like a cliche. Okay, give me one or two very specific examples of anything "hateful" I have said or emailed. Taxes are low? I work until May for free. No civilization has ever taxed itself into prosperity. Do you honestly think I want to cut jobs, really? That's the left's plan because you have to tear the country down before you can reshape it. This is what Sal Alinsky, who is loved by the Democrats, preached. You've got it all backwards.

Then Vic: Listen just because people dont agree with your oppinions/views doesnt mean they want to tear country down. Its a oppinion not fact. Your opponion doesnt mean your right. The racial stuff I would consider hate posts again its my oppinion and disrespectful to me

Me: Why don't you read Rules for Radicals by Sal Alinsky, the left's hero?

Vic: I dont have anyones posting 10 things daily. And that was just a example of a hate thing in what you just sent me. Think about it. a crook saying im not a theif while robbing a house. You would classify as a radical lol.

Me: So if I understand you correctly, anything which you don't agree with such as my FB posts is "hateful." So to not be "hateful" basically I just have to abandon my conservative principles and become a liberal. Maybe we should define "hate" because it seems perhaps you use the word a tad too freely.

Vic: Now your being ignorant man. I really dont care what you believe in. I was just commenting to a email you sent me. If you want to waste your time looking 20 things and post is your business I was just expressing that you just because you believe it. doesnt make it right and everyone that doesnt follow your logic wrong or evil. Its oppinion only not fact not good vs evil not american vs anti american. To them conservatives could think republicans are anti american. This country was built on immagration legal or not. It. was built on cheap labor illigal labor call it. what you will. I have my oppinion on subject but dont care to give it since im bias on subject.

He actually has the nerve to call ME ignorant. This poor soul is lost.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

From the Prince Podcast Forums

(Listener) I've listened to all these podcasts and I was warned that this guy has some strong conservative opinions. I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is that he resorts to generalizations based on I don't know what.

"They" have their own TV stations. Does he mean to imply that Telemundo and Univision only cater to illegal immigrants as opposed to legal immigrants here who are grateful for these stations? I know a few expatriates living abroad, a client of mine who lives in Tokyo, for example. She's in Japan legally, but she doesn't know the language fluently. I'm sure shes grateful for programming that's in English. I'm sure she's glad for bilingual signs.

Another thing is why do conservatives constantly accuse liberals of behavior that conservatives themselves exhibit? It's more likely than not that conservatives are a creationist, pro-life, homophobic group, yet liberals are close-minded? Liberals love their cocktail parties? You make a statement like that and I can't take you seriously, even if your message has merit.

But what I really find offensive is that this guy has the balls to bit about Democrats being traitors to this country for agreeing with Calderon about the Arizona law and he turns around and compares Obama to Osama bin Laden?? This is the 2nd time he's made this comparison between Obama and the man who orchestrated the deaths of nearly 3000 Americans on 9/11. REALLY?? You want to continue to make that comparison?

And why do conservatives continue to say the new law in Arizona does not provide for racial profiling so Democrats should stop touting that? The 13th Amendment made slavery illegal, but blacks were still assaulted, whipped, lynched. It's against the law to kill people and people are killed I'm sure everyday. Unless ALL the cops in Arizona are tolerant and open-minded, it won't be a problem, will it? And making racial profiling illegal will insure it doesn't happen, right? Right. Until businesses and corporate America stop exploiting illegals as cheap labor, I find it hard to be moved by this urgency to rid the country of them.

So if you want me toconsider your poin of view, just come at me with some less general, broad-stroking statements.

(Jean-Marc) Really? You’ve listened to “all” of my podcasts? Wow, I’m flattered! None of my family nor friends have listened to “all” of them, yet. Right off the bat I find it hard to believe that you don’t have a problem with my conservative opinions. Unless you yourself are a conservative, then I imagine you would have a problem with them, hence the point of your comments.

As for generalizations, what is wrong with them? Do we not ALL generalize? And are they not based on our own personal observations as well as our knowledge and understanding of the world? Unless you’re going to travel the earth like Kane from Kung Fu, and shake 5 or 6 billions hands, then you must generalize.

Whether legal or illegal, it does no good to cater to immigrants. By not encouraging assimilation it makes everything worse; for them as well as us. Like I said before, according to Mark Steyn (who I’ll put up against any thinker)- bilingualism equals conflict.

Now you really expose yourself with your comments of conservatives. I’m not sure what being pro-life or creationist has to do with “open’mindedness,” but who says we’re homophobic? And what sort of broad generalization is that, hmmmmm?

The liberal elites run the big cities, hence the cocktail party comment. You’re lack of awareness on this staement, and protest of it tells me you have no idea what I am talking about and it simply isn’t worth the time and effort to bring you up to speed at this point, though I will if you insist. Funny though how that one statement has you so readily willing to discard anything else I have said…open-minded indeed.

In regards to Osama and Obama: what offends you here? When you look at their statements on paper, it is almost impossible to differentiate. Lemme ask you something, who said this, “"All of the industrialised countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis?" Al Gore? No. Barack Obama? No. Sheryl Crow? No. Osama Bin Laden? Bingo! Trust me, I could give you a quiz like this that you would fail miserably.

As far as I know, racial profiling is already illegal, which is why the Arizona law specifically prohibits it! In fact, the Arizona law is more lenient than the federal law which is already on the books! Sadly, it is simply not being enforced thus Gov. Jan Brewer’s courageous decision to stand up to the feds, tell Obama to do his job, and to take matters into her own hands.

I leave you with one quote, which I really hope you’ll ponder, “The worst deluded are the self-deluded.”

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My liberal cousin

Hi Everyone,

Seriously - It's time to stop being so anti-government:
(Sure, now that your guys are in charge. Where was this sentiment when the radical leftists in this country were screaming bloody murder about Bush monitoring phone calls from the U.S. to enemy countries, and vice versa? The left was positively apoplectic thinking the govt. was going to listen in on their phone calls- as if any one cares about liberals waxing eloquently about their insane hatred for Karl Rove, their Palin Derangement Syndrome, or which third party dictator Sean Penn is coddling up to this week. The left can have a conniption about the U.S. govt. holding jihadists in Guantanamo Bay without proper legal representation, which is reserved solely for U.S. citizens, but liberal friends of mine send me a government link lauding the supposed benefits of a government run, socialist, unconstitutional health care system, and then fail to see the blatant irony…unbelievable.)

We are AMERICANS, and please remember that we are the greatest nation in the world.
(Your liberal buddies aren’t going to like that statement. Maybe you didn’t get the memo from the NY Times, but America is an evil, imperialistic, racist, oppressive country. Obama spent the fist half of his first year apologizing to the rest of the world for our audacity, cruelness, and hubris. Remember, it was solely liberals who were asking after 9/11, “Why do they hate us? What did we do?”)

Because our government is here to protect EVERYONE - the rich and the poor.
(The rich? Since when? Go see the new Oliver Stone Wall Street movie and let me know how the rich are portrayed. I love Hollywood’s hypocrisy here. Every movie James Cameron has done has had an evil corporation in it. And how often has ‘big business’ and Wall Street been vilified by the left wing media in this country? …ad nauseum….)

If you are American then you should feel comfortable in the fact that our government is in place TO PROTECT US ALL.
(Then why don’t we protect our borders? Why do we release prisoners from Gitmo only so they can re-enter the battlefield in the war against us? Why did Barack tell our enemies he will never use nukes under any circumstances?)

I'm done with white, middle-class or upper-class civilians complaining about being over-taxed and the government is moving to Socialism.
(I take it you don’t read the liberal rag called Newsweek-“We Are All Socialists Now.”)

Stop it. Our country is rooted in Democracy and always will be.
(Our country is a republic.)

I am EMBARRASED as an American that any TRUE citizen would be so critical of the government to go down this path.
(Where were you between 2000 to 2008?)

All Tea Party members should be embarrased in they way they are acting towards our government.
(What did you think of the war protestors who were blocking shipments intended for our troops? Should they have been mortified? TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already. Why is it a crime to defend your own wallet?)

Seriously, as a Republican - and most of you are - quit being so bitter that you lost the election. My God - you all act and talk like Stalin has just been elected President.
(Like you guys did when Gore lost? Maybe you didn’t see the vitriol coming from the Democrats and left wing nuts after 2000, but that is because you are devoted to a corrupt media which actively conspires to hide such things. “We need to spread the wealth.”-Barack Obama.)

I continue to hear about how Clinton and Carter (30+ years ago!!!) are the cause of all of your woes. Do any of you realize that the Health Care Plan protects all citizens? That health care costs & premiums have gone up 400% while the service we recieve is the same? Why aren't more people complaing about that? My chiropractor just charged my insurance company $440 for a simple visit. OMG!!!! She spent 10 minutes with me, and all she did was crack my back!!! I challange anyone who complains about the new health-care plan to look at the bill that their providor sends to your insurance company. Health care charges are out of control, so don't give me any crap about free-enterprise.
(You can go to another insurance company or another chiropractor, and it is the trial lawyers- the largest contributors to the Democrat party- that make healthcare so expensive vis-à-vis frivolous lawsuits. If you think things are bad now wait until there is a government monopoly on health care. Don’t make perfect the enemy of good. Libs with their good intentions invariably make things worse and worse for everyone. What about tort reform? Where is the left on that?)

The President's job is to do what is in the best interest of every CITIZEN in this country.
(The President’s job is not to be a crusader for justice. His primary responsibility is to protect us from enemies. If Barack wants to be Robin Hood, then he’s in the wrong line of work. If this is a sincere intention on their part, then why do all of the politicians in D.C. exclude themselves from the same rules they implement on we the people?!))

I'm sorry if the upper-class feel as though they are being "shouldered with the burdeon of the poor", but in the past 40 years their taxes have been REDUCED 5 TIMES MORE (as a percentage, which equalizes every argument) more than the poor. The latest increase IS STILL LESS THAN IT WAS BACK IN THE REGAN ERA. At the end of the day, how many CITIZENS are being negaively affected vs. positivelty?
(47% of Americans pay no federal income tax. Again it is not the government’s job to,”Redistribute the wealth.” “I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.”-Thomas Jefferson.

I hear the complaint that the poor are "taking advantage of the system", and I say this - how many of us try to find EVERY loophole in the tax system to reduce our tax burdon? All of us. Who has said "I pay too little in taxes"? How many people realize that over 12.6% of Americans - AMERICANS - live under poverty conditions. We should all be ashamed at that stat, instead of saying "it's their fault."
(You can’t legislate prosperity. Besides, the ‘poor’ in this country live better than European royalty did just 200 years ago. Define poverty.)

I understand that some "abuse" the system, but so do the "rich".
(Then reform the tax laws, but do not excuse bad behavior by saying, “The rich do it too.”)

If you're not embarrased with that stat, then you are self-centered.
(It is not self-centered to want to keep what is yours. You act like people are starving in the streets; this isn’t Somalia for Pete’s sake. And what’s with the name calling?)

I could contest that a lot more (and I'm sure it's closer to 100%) of citizens take advantage of every tax loophole that they can find. Can anyone say that they don't look for tax loopholes? So don't be so critical or others that do just because you make more money.
(Again, these people are just trying to prevent the government from taking too much of what is rightfully theirs…at least they earned it in the first place.)

We are the Land of Opportunity, not the Land of Live-or-Die by Your Own Means.
(Name one country in the world that does as much for the ‘poor’ that America does- Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Good Will, WIC, food stamps, worker’s comp, unemployment, The Salvation Army, Church donations, etc. etc. etc. Show me people dying in the streets from starvation.)

Disgraceful... If Tea Party Members say that we are moving towards a Socialist Society, then I say that they are leaning towards a Caste System, since under their ideology there is little opportinity for individuals to move out of the emnomic level tht they were born into.
(Get educated, marry before getting pregnant, stay out of trouble, work hard…no one is stopping them from following those basic, simple principles for success. If they fail after that, then there are systems in place to help. Why did Barack and the Dems not even address fraud until the Repubs brought it up? Shouldn’t that be a common sense concern right off the bat? Name one government utopian plan that cost as little as they said it would.)

I ask this - How AMERICAN are you if you care more about youself than your nation?
(“This war is lost.” Harry Reid. Bush devoted his presidency to protecting us and all the left did in this country was poke fun, besmirch him, and basically spit in his face. The Democrats, meanwhile, played disgusting political games.)

Shame on everyone that says that the government is getting to big, while corporations and banks (BIG BUSINESSES) are really the ones running the economy? Why do you think both Democrats & Republicans (Bush & Obama) voted in support of the bail-out packages of 2008 & 2009?
(Pretty high and mighty here. Read 1984. Big brother is coming in from the left. Do you really think the forefathers wanted the govt to control the health care system, companies like Chrysler & GE, or banks for Christ’s sakes?!)

When our forefathers started this government they never thought about the greed of BIG BUSINESS.
(Yes they did. They also wrote a Constitution that put limits on what the government can do to you. Obama publicly stated that he lamented the fact that the Constitution did not address what “the government can do FOR you.” Now that’s disgraceful. Look at how prejudiced you are against BIG BUSINESS. You’ve been conditioned to think they are the enemy. Why can’t you see that free-thinking Americans may see the government itself that same way? Governments throughout history have inevitably become oppressive. Until now, we guarded well against this based on our founding principles, which have only recently been trampled on by the most liberal administration in our nation’s history).

They never thought that an organization would put themself over a citizen. Why? Because back then - as AMERICANS - we were all equal and we supported each other.
(The election of 1800 was way nastier than the election of 2000. The Federalists and the Republicans hated each other’s f-ing guts back then.)

Now we all - Republicans and Democrats - have to make a STATEMENT to send a message. Unfortunately, it seems as though the Republicans - and especially the Tea Party - have taken their bitterness to a whole new level. Many say Socialism, I say Traitor.
(How come it is okay for you guys to call us traitors, but when we barely elude to it in regards to the unconscionable actions of the left, they cry, “You can’t call us traitors! You can’t call us unpatriotic!” Even Hillary Clinton said it was “patriotic” to dissent as she spewed forth a spittle induced anti-government tirade. The left threw temper tantrums for 8 solid years for frivolous reasons, and now when citizens assemble for serious threats to their liberties we’re just supposed to shut up and be ‘civil’. I swear liberals are the whiniest most hypocritical babies on the planet.)

If you are only happy when one party is in power, then YOU are anti-democracy.
(Uh, hello!!! Again, where the heck were you during the Bush presidency?! George Soros, MoveOn.Org, Media Matters,Cindy Sheehan, Arianna Huffington, Michael Moore, the entertainment industry, Ward Churchill, blah, blah, blah were tireless in their manic, paranoid, & vulgar tantrums for 8 frickin’ years.)

As bad as Democrats thought Bush was, they NEVER stooped to the level of disgrace that Republicans are right now.
(“This war is lost.” Harry Reid. “Bush is a traitor.” Al Gore. “This whole thing [WMDs] was a fraud.” Ted Kennedy. “Young American soldiers don’t need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, women…” John Kerry. John Murtha appeared on "Good Morning America" accusing United States Marines of “killing. . . innocent civilians in cold blood." And I could go on and on and on….)

Anti-government commercials on TV? Anti-government billboards? I am embarrased right now to be an American becasue of the anti-government HATRED that is going on right now.
(Gee, you sound eerily like first lady Michelle Obama. Were you “embarrassed” when Carter got screwed on national TV in regards to the Iranian hostage crisis? How about when Billy Boy pointed his condescending finger right at the American people and LIED about Monica? How about when he was impeached? Were you embarrassed then? How about when he was disbarred for perjury? Did that embarrass you? How about Gore and his Global Warming hoax? Does that embarrass you? How about when John Kerry said America had to pass some freaking “global test” before we could defend ourselves? How about John Edwards and his Clintonesque run arounds? How about Jesse Jackson and his out of wedlock love child?

How about when Obama said the police acted “stupidly” when he didn’t even know the facts? Were you embarrassed then? What about his joke on Letterman at the expense of the Special Olympics? Were you embarrassed when Barack gave Gordon Brown a set of cheesy DVDs that were not formatted to play on British DVD players? What about when he gave the Queen of England an iPod featuring his own speeches? How about his stunning need to bow to other world leaders like the Saudi King? Are you embarrassed that the President of the U.S. cannot properly pronounce “corpse?” What about the time he flew over NY City for a photo op at low altitude and scared the bejesus out of the citizenry there? How about…well, Joe Biden in general? He is a gaffe a minute. Were you in a coma that I didn’t know about at the turn of the millennium? The left was 100% railing against the govt and Bush’s “Nazi” regime.)

Our international power is WEAKENED right now because a minority of Americans are so bitter that they have to resort to twisting reality to sound good to threir "flock".
(Our international power is weakened because Obama treats our allies like shit, and literally bows to our enemies! Please, someone tell this stupid ass to quit bowing! The President of the United States does not bow!)

If you are so anti-health-care-reform then tell me the facts: How will it hurt you? Why will it hurt our Nation? Please prove to me - in non-political terms - the asumtion that our nation is so LAZY that more citizens would rather NOT than work to support their families? Because right now, all I see are a bunch of die-hard party members complaining because their party isn't making the decisions.
(We currently have the best health care system in the world; it is the envy of every nation. The premier of Canada recently went to Miami for heart surgery! Well, kiss it goodbye. Answer me one question…why are illegal immigrants covered under this bill???)

I guarantee this: If G. Bush came up with the same plan, there would be a line-up of Democrats complaiing about it, but at least they wouldn't be coming up with anti-givernment commercials & ads.
(This is your most absurd, naïve, and uninformed statement in this entire diatribe.)

That's just embarrrasing to US as citizens, and the rest of the world is laughing at our disparity.
(You’re so Fing embarrassed all the time and so Fing worried about what the rest of the world thinks of us. I could give a flying fig what France thinks, or what Canada says, or how Mexico sees us. Since when are they the arbiters of what is good or not. Who are they to look down their noses at us? And why does that bother you so much? When a catastrophe hits some third world country, who sends the most $ by leaps and bounds? Who sends their troops and puts their lives at risk to maintain order and keep the peace? These other countries resent us…they’re jealous…screw them. I for one will not apologize for being the best.)

We USED to be a nation that others look up to in regards to running a government. We fight wars because other countries aren't "DEMOCRATIC"" like we are. Then damn it - let's lead the example of how we - as a NATION - can learn to live for the benifit of all of our members of society.
(You’ve got to start reading something besides the New York Times, and start watching something besides CNN. The mainstream liberal media in this country is more than just biased…they are flat out corrupt. They are in league with the Democrats and are brainwashing the citizenry. You owe it to yourself to listen to other points of view for a change. Seriously… “The worst deluded are the self-deluded.” Christian Bovee)

Monday, March 29, 2010


"Racism is an accusation hurled by scoundrels who have no argument." JM Bovee

JM Bovee Liberalism fails everywhere and every time it's tried, whereas conservatism works every time it's tried. WTF?! Who in the hell is voting for these failures?
Yesterday at 8:23pm

Darling Nikki Geez is it that serious? Just be happy to be alive. How can u be a Prince fan & always have your panties in a bunch? Don't be so concerned with such earthly issues. Purple Luv bro:)
Yesterday at 8:27pm ·

JM Bovee I love my country. With out Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc. setting up this amazing republic, then there would be no Prince. And if we don't wake up, then we will lose this country, and there will be no future Prince.
7 hours ago ·

Darling Nikki
There will always be music, we were making music in Africa before we were brought to America. The achievments & genious of an African American man has nothing to do with the founding father's lol! I am also an American Indian person meaning I have an actual claim to this land base called "America". President Obama is the only president that ...
See More
5 hours ago ·

JM Bovee WTF are you talking about? How many black millionaires existed before America was founded?
24 minutes ago ·

JM Bovee Indians were nothing more than cave dwellers who hadn't invented the wheel yet. They had to either assimilate or make way for more progressed peoples.
23 minutes ago ·

Darling Nikki How many Black slaves existed before America or Latin American countires were founded-better question. If u think we were done a favor, u are dead wrong:(
23 minutes ago ·

Darling Nikki Europeans that came to America were nothing but rejects & prisoners. Rejected from Europe.
22 minutes ago ·

JM Bovee I don't give a flying fuck what Obambi's skin color is. The guy is a fucking Communist, America-hating asshole, and fuck him and all of his socialist ilk.
21 minutes ago ·

Darling Nikki If it weren't for African civilization there would be no mathmatical systems, astronomy, anything u are comparing to civilized so my brother u come from cave people. My people have never ever lived in caves:)
20 minutes ago ·

Darling Nikki And furthermore u are an uninvited guest on my homeland, remember that because God knows its the truth.
19 minutes ago ·

JM Bovee #1. Slaves of ALL colors existed everywhere throughout ALL time until The British and Americans put an end to it. Muslims had black Christian slaves so what the hell were guys like Muhammed Ali and Malcom X and Mike Tyson thinking?
#2. The Europeans who came here were tired of the monarchies and religious corruption. They were good people. Perhaps ...
See More
12 minutes ago ·

JM Bovee Read "The End of Racism" by Dinesh D'Souza and then tell me what time it is.
11 minutes ago ·

Darling Nikki Wow, u are clearly very hateful of Black people in general. I see that u think u are superior? Just ignorant, I hope u don't teach your kids to hate. I don't hate u, as a matter of fact I will pray for u.
3 minutes ago ·

JM Bovee You're so obsessed with race. I could care less what color you are. I'm about truth--'keepin' it real.'
2 minutes ago ·

JM Bovee I lost my virginity to a black girl in high school. I still remember her name, Alexia. Loved her. Why the F would I like Prince music if I were a racist. The only racists are the black politicians who LIE about Tea Party Protestors, or Jesse Jackson who 'shakesdown' corporations to enrich his own pockets.
about a minute ago ·

JM Bovee I refuse to be intimidated by that accusation. Anyone who calls me a racist better be able to endure my wrath because that is a vile accusation.

JM Bovee With every comment you prove my point. I mentioned those black names because you laughably tried to assign all of these mythical accomplishments by blacks throughout history.

Darling Nikki Because u are entertained by a Black man or woman doesn't mean u respect them. If u love this country then u wish well whoever the president is.

JM Bovee Did you 'respect the presidency' when Bush was in office? I do not respect this prick because he is a thug.

Darling Nikki Ha! Yes I pray for every president, whether they are who I voted for or not.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Med Debate With Lib

A E D-M posted a link. Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform | Health Insuran Source: www.whitehouse.gov

JM Bovee A govt. website? Sure, why not....Hey, didn't Linda Douglass work for ABC news before she joined the Obama administration?

A E D-M why did i KNOW you would comment on this? ;) it's a start - for those who might not know where to begin. there is a lot of information to take in. you and i might never agree on politics, but i would hope we agree that people need to start to get informed :)

JM Bovee In the old days, a guy would try to sell a tonic that would "cure all," and he'd have a 'plant' in the audience who would pretend not to know him and drink it (see The Outlaw Josey Wales for an example, or Say, Say, Say video with Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson). Next thing you know, he'd laud it as a wonderful cure to all of his ailments. If the govt. is trying to push something on us, then why would we take seriously the opinion of their 'plants?'

JM Bovee Since when do we trust the govt? Isn't a non-biased, impartial source preferable?

A E D-M would you trust government if your party was in office? just curious. and i would love for you to share an "impartial source" with the rest of the crowd.

JM Bovee I might ask you the same question....An impartial source would be the 1000 page House bill itself. I mean, were you or were you not distrustful for the 8 years previous to Obama?

A E D-Mwow. um, i asked you first. i would have thought you would have jumped at the chance? i'll glaldy read what you have to share, but i'm not going to continue bantering over me posting a simple link on my own page.

JM Bovee I trust the govt. to do what it is obligated to do vis-a-vis the Constitution...namely defense of it's citizens...with one exception...neither party will close the southern border. Bantering is what our forefathers did when they devised the greatest Constitution in the history of mankind. Debate is a cornerstone to greatness.

A E D-M the difference between you and i, is that while i respect your opinions and beliefs, you belittle and demean mine. i refuse to go there with you. it's not worth my time at all. but again - if you had a good site for me to look at, i would like to see it. i don't "vote democrat," i vote what i believe in. take care!!!

JM Bovee Demean? For starters: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.+1:


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fairness Doctrine

I sent:

Big brother has come from the Left!

Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., told radio host and WND columnist Bill Press yesterday when asked about whether it was time to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine": "I think it's absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it's called the Fairness Standard, whether it's called something else – I absolutely think it's time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves.

Her website -- http://stabenow.senate.gov/contact.htm

My email to her -- "You have recently been attributed the status of newest supporter of this draconian measure, The Fairness Doctrine. Consider, you and everyone who globs onto to this nonsensical doctrine, will be seen throughout history much the same way John Adams is now for signing the Alien and Sedition Acts, and all of your reputations will suffer in perpetuity as his has."

This person replied:

Seems to me that all they're trying to say is "Great, the Right can use the airwaves to say whatever they want (via Rush, Hannity, etc,) but we also have to make room for opposing opinions on those same airwaves... Is this not fair/reasonable/American? -"hence, accountability to the airwaves"? I'm just wanting to become more informed re this issue.

My reply:

"We have to make room?" It is the free market system that will determine the success of shows, and anything other commodity in a capitalist system. Rush, Hannity, etc. are successful b/c they have millions of listeners. If the liberals want to be heard then they 'have to' attract listeners. Telling people they 'have to' listen is another matter, & telling radio stations they 'have to' carry unpopular shows is another matter. That is totalitarianism.

Besides, this was all already attempted with Air America (Al Franken, Janine Garafolo (sp), Whoopi Goldberg, etc. and they failed. The government cannot (for now) and should not FORCE these shows on the air, or on TV, or anything else.

Ask yourself this...if talk radio were dominated by liberals, do you think any of these politicians would give a damn about it? Liberals dominated the newspapers, and TV news shows, and still do, for decades. I know, radio is another matter. The principle is the same. Fox News didn't whine to the government and FORCE itself on TV. No, they dominate the ratings...that is why they are on, and their giving a voice to conservatives (as well as plenty of liberals) is why they have been number one for years.

I thought we couldn't legislate morality. Now we're going to legislate fairness? Who gets to determine what is fair? Even if the government paid to have a leftist show on the air (hmmm...sounds like PBS), what happens when their ratings pale in comparison to the right? Are we going to tell people they 'have to' listen, and force them to through legislation? If you think I am being too melodramatic here, then I suggest you read some history about China, the former USSR, East Germany, and Cuba...just to name a few.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Mrs. T and I Two

I used to write for my school paper the Pharmakon. After reading a recent edition I wrote to them (below). Then I got a nasty email back from a friend who has been in charge since I was there. Last is my repsonse to her.

As a former columnist for the Pharmakon, I was curious to see how the paper, that meant so much to me during my schooling days, was doing. A member on the alumni committee was kind enough send me a copy from last November 3rd. I was disappointed to say the least, but not surprised.

I graduated in 2003, so by now the only folks who remember my columns are most likely staff and faculty. I tried to entice debate on important topics, stimulate discussion, and I suppose stir up some controversy. The Pharmakon as I see it now, and of no surprise to me by the way, looks like some sort vapid claptrap one would find at Bezerkley College in Cookyfornia.

First, I say let the Lambda Krappa Alpha Beta groups on campus start their own newsletters. The entire second page is nothing more than a promo for these organizations. Nothing personal, but why would anyone want to read
their self aggrandizing articles unless they were members themselves?

Then, two pages later, I get a promo for stem cell research. Nothing of substance here; no debate on the issue; just a political ad.

Two more pages later, I read about "pink pride," and the homeless of St. Louis. I have nothing but respect for people who have genuine concerns in these areas, and who wish to help raise awareness, etc., but at this point I begin to feel like I am reading the agendas of a radical left wing sect. I mean, "...make housing a civil right..?" Where is that written in the constitution? Can we have a referendum on this, or will the liberals just get their buddies in the court system (i.e., judges and lawyers) to legislate this gem of an idea against our will?

All that was missing was an interview with Hillary Clinton about the grandiose benefits of socialized medicine, a movie review on Al Gore's movie about global warming, and a petition protesting zoos sponsored by PETA. Where is David Horowitz with his Academic Bill of Rights when you need him?!

Calling all conservatives, libertines, and independents- do not sit silent while your school paper is being hijacked. Write in, and fight to get YOUR thoughts and ideas published. I took a stand, and a lot of heat I might add, and would not have had it any other way. If I may borrow a speech from Braveheart...'Lying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all of the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to go back to StLCoP and tell them there that they make take our school paper, but they will never take our independent minds!'

Jean-Marc Bovee, Pharm.D.


Shame on you! I thought age and experience might have brought you some
wisdom and (shall I dare) compassion!

You magnify your contribution to the Pharmakon considerably to call
yourself a former "editorialist" and to assume that faculty and staff
remember your columns at all, let alone with appreciation, but you might
have paused to think about the person who was on the receiving end of
your vituperative letter.


My compassion was expressed for the integrity of the paper and its readers. There are high school newpapers more thought provoking than the present day Pharmakon. Everyone I show it to, left or right, agrees. Show me the 'intellectual' diversity. Where is it? I know you despise bluntness, but I proudly proclaim not to have mastered the fine art of bs practiced by so many prominent Democrat politicians. Bill Clinton could grope a woman, tell her that he felt her pain, and make her feel like she really contributed to her country.

I love the typical liberal practice of decrying an attack while simultaneously insulting the person who, God forbid, may have had a legitimate complaint. Sorry for the hurt feelings but life outside of ivory towers, gated communities, and the soft, pie-in-the-sky protective world of academia can be rough. Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it stipulate the right not to be offended. A 'wise' person ought to realize that, and rationally & logically joust with those who would challenge them. No, today we just cry foul and proclaim, "No fair," like a schoolchild.

If what I wrote was personal to you, then I confess it and I say that it should be. Shame? Where's the sense of shame expressed in turning what ought to be an enterprise for provoking debate and stimulating discussion on issues at an institution of 'higher learning' into a talking points memo for the far left? I wonder if the paper was composed of articles discussing the right to own guns, stricter enforcement on border security, a petition for English as the national language, and a promotion for pro-life if it would be YOU who was writing the same letter I did.

Vituperation? I don't think there was a single sentence in your letter to me that did not contain an insult. Ooh, how the thinly veiled mask of 'compassion' quickly vanishes when those who brag about it are challenged, even civily. Incidentally, on my graduation day more than a few professors came to me and told me how much they would miss my articles. I did write for 5 years, and received $3000 in scholarship money for doing so. I assume most of these people still work there, and judging by what I saw, I do not feel it is a stretch to think that my writing still stands out to this day.

You're in a position of responsibility. This is not the New York Times. This is a college paper, and ought to be open-minded. Isn't that what liberal used to mean?


P.S. As far as the authors of those articles- they're college students. I'd say welcome to the real world, but that would be harsh. Just tell them this will thicken their skin, which will be of benefit to them. Funny, I don't recall any sympathy aimed at me when McCall (physics) and Joshua came after me in their truly harsh manner. Of course, I was a big boy and could more than hold my own. How did I get that way? Not by being coddled, I can assure you of that.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." T. Jefferson