Tuesday, May 17, 2011


After I posted this, http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/04/20/political.myths/ he replied:

What you think is truth is not truth its oppinion. And your people you idolize's oppinion. I really dont pay attention for most part of what you send or post cause is just hate stuff. When I see you post the bad stuff from your party as well as good stuff maybe I pay attention. Untill then you are one sided and think that solution is lower taxes. Taxes are already low and no jobs created. Actually you want to cut more jobs

Then me: Do you know how often I hear this from those who reside on the left of the political spectrum? You sound like a cliche. Okay, give me one or two very specific examples of anything "hateful" I have said or emailed. Taxes are low? I work until May for free. No civilization has ever taxed itself into prosperity. Do you honestly think I want to cut jobs, really? That's the left's plan because you have to tear the country down before you can reshape it. This is what Sal Alinsky, who is loved by the Democrats, preached. You've got it all backwards.

Then Vic: Listen just because people dont agree with your oppinions/views doesnt mean they want to tear country down. Its a oppinion not fact. Your opponion doesnt mean your right. The racial stuff I would consider hate posts again its my oppinion and disrespectful to me

Me: Why don't you read Rules for Radicals by Sal Alinsky, the left's hero?

Vic: I dont have anyones posting 10 things daily. And that was just a example of a hate thing in what you just sent me. Think about it. a crook saying im not a theif while robbing a house. You would classify as a radical lol.

Me: So if I understand you correctly, anything which you don't agree with such as my FB posts is "hateful." So to not be "hateful" basically I just have to abandon my conservative principles and become a liberal. Maybe we should define "hate" because it seems perhaps you use the word a tad too freely.

Vic: Now your being ignorant man. I really dont care what you believe in. I was just commenting to a email you sent me. If you want to waste your time looking 20 things and post is your business I was just expressing that you just because you believe it. doesnt make it right and everyone that doesnt follow your logic wrong or evil. Its oppinion only not fact not good vs evil not american vs anti american. To them conservatives could think republicans are anti american. This country was built on immagration legal or not. It. was built on cheap labor illigal labor call it. what you will. I have my oppinion on subject but dont care to give it since im bias on subject.

He actually has the nerve to call ME ignorant. This poor soul is lost.