Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mel and I

(Mel) Interesting video...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENbElb5-xY

(JM) Exactly, Bush Sr. was wrong in 1994. We should have gone all the way and taken Saddam out. He did not make the same error in judgement twice...did he?

(Mel) So in only your opinion, did the 1994 predictions not come to fruition from 2003 to present, or do you agree only with Cheney and disregard the NIE reports, military & Pentagon assessment, CIA, reporters on the ground, and common sense? If you are in favor of the administration's agenda, then why not enlist rather than writing biased blogs?

(JM) So, unless I enlist then I ought to shut up, is that it? Typical liberal argument...
Biased blog? What is wrong with that? I'm not allowed to express my opinions on my own blog? What ought to enrage you is so called "journalists" who are supposed to be impartial writing with a liberal left wing slant. Of course, as a lib yourself, this doesn't bother you at all does it? However, if they were all conservatives, well then you'd scream bloody murder wouldn't you?

Liberalism is a philosophy based on emotion and feelings. Conservatism is based on logic and rationale. You've chosen your side, and I have chosen mine. What's fair is fair. Peace...

(Mel) "We will be greeted as liberators", "the insurgency is in its last throws", bogus WMD argument, "Mission Accomplished", Abu Ghraib tortures, Guantanamo tortures, C.I.A. secret prisons, "Al Qaeda & Saddam link", "cheap & short war", Harriet Myers, "Heckuva job, Brownie", Alberto Gonzalez's "I don't recall", illegal wiretaps, outing a CIA agent, George Tenet, Cheney contradicts the 9/11 Report, White House, Pentagon, NSA, CIA...., "No Child Left Behind", "My Pet Goat", 1.5 yrs of vacation in 6 years of a presidency, immigration reform (700 mile fence for 2000+ mile border), scientists funded by Exxon Mobil to oppose climate change, media banned from showing images of flag draped coffins...this could go on forever.
Logical and rational, I think not, more like delusional and insane. There's a fine line between logic and ignorance. The game of dividing the country into being either liberal or conservative is kind of dumb. The world should never be seen in black or white...that only generates a simplistic view of how to interpret reality. America needs more intellectuals and fewer arrogant loud-talkers like Dr. Phil & Bill O'Reilly. By no means should you stop writing your blog, but in my opinion the administration needs more people like yourself that support this policy and are willing to simply "put your money where your mouth is".
Rupert Murdoch, FOX News owner: "We tried to shape the agenda" on the war in Iraq.
Choose a side that's not on either side of the great divide.

(JM) Isn't diversity great? Especially coerced diversity. We shouldn't allow people to mingle voluntarily, no no, we must force them to!

(Mel) Putnum's ideas that new immigrants lack or degrade social capital in society is utterly false because it is due to strong social and familial relations that they survive and learn to navigate the American social and institutional fabric. White society largely exists (generalizing here) as atomized immediate family units, extended family are at arms length at best.

(JM) Uhmmm, black illegitimacy rate is 75%, hello? Illegal immigrants make up a disproportionate number of our federal prison population...hello? There are more black men between the ages 18 to 25 in prison than on the street, hello? Social and family relations??
(Mel) Finally, Putnum's analysis avoids addressing the role and legacy of white racism in this society in driving vulnerable ethnic groups into more insular attitudes towards other ethnic groups.  In addition, the right wing cultural attacks on all non-european cultures creates a response from these cultures to champion and declare its own beauty, contribution and right to exist.  Remember, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow is Beautiful!   :-)

(JM) WTF are you talking about? The only racism that exists to a large extent and is institutionalized in America is that against whites and Asians. Affirmative action, hello? Chinese students with 4.0 GPAs are being turned away from California colleges because there are too many of them!!!! Trent Lott ring a bell?? Uhm...how about O.J. Simpson?! The Duke Lacrosse players, hello? Anyone there?

(Mel) So are you implying you have a problem with diversity, while you are married to a Chinese/Vietnamese woman?  Would you rather we go back to the pre-Civil Rights days when everyone was segregated?

(JM) Now this is truly your most stupid argument. So let me get this straight, unless I cow tow to liberal demands and definitions about fairness viz-a-viz race and diversity, then I am a...what was that...pre-Civil Rights devotee? This is lesson one in the liberal handbook. If they disagree with you, then call them a bunch of racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobes...blah, blah, blah...very dull. Yes, I have a problem with FORCED diversity because it is profoundly stupid and harmful. You can't force people to mix who do not want to, and I have news for you, whites are the most willing to mix of all races and Americans of all cultures. You libs need to get your heads out of the clouds, take off those rose colored glasses, come down from your ivory towers, abandon your pie-in-the-sky hair brained schemes, and honestly evaluate your dumb ideas and acknowledge them for the failures that they are. Natural diversity is hunky dory, but don't call me a racist just because I don't succumb to your dumb ass philosophy, which is destroying the country by the way, and has just been proven false by a Harvard study.

It's your side of the isle asking if Obama is black enough...liberals obsessed with race.

(JM sent) Disinformation by Richard Miniter
Do As I Say, Not As I Do by Peter Schweizer

Michael Moore pretends to be impartial...a true "documentarian". Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Dennis Miller...all come out and admit up front that they are conservative. But not Dan Rather, or Katie Couric, or Walter Cronkite, and on and on.

(Mel) I think something is wrong with you...You have one point of view on everything, and you're a part of the crowd that still believes that WMDs are in Iraq and that the world is as old as Genesis. I am totally opposed to reading anything that will influence me to spill your delusional rhetoric. The answer to end racism is to divide the races?  You should be embarassed (sic) and then admitted.

(JM) Yep, you'll never read it and you'll forever remain brainwashed. And who the hell said I believed in Genesis? Do you see that? Do you see what just happened there? You made a totally off-the-wall assumption about me being religious simply because I am conservative. You are prejudiced!!! You're the damn BIGOT!!! I caught you! Did you see that? You're busted honey.....Oh yeah, and never read anything that might upset the balance in that delicate mind of yours, after all, you don't want to risk learning that you have been mislead all of this time. That sure would suck, although, better late than never, but you're too single minded to read beyond your cultish propaganda. Too bad...the truth is out there.

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