Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sarah and I

JM sent, Academic Cesspools By Walter E. Williams Wednesday, October 17, 2007

(Auntie) Sounds biased and unbalanced. Where is the other side of this opinion? I have much that I agree with, and much that I disagree with. Could you not find alternative opinions and listen to their arguments too?  Come to Princeton to understand more. Auntie will give you a good indoctrination in how to sort the wheat from the chaf and look at disparate arguments from both sides. The world opens up a bit when an understanding of both sides takes place. :-)

(JM) Would love to come some day, but quick question...if say, Hispanic gang crime was escalating in this country and someone wanted to do a documentary on that fact, then would the documentarian have to make time to discuss law-abiding Hispanics? I mean, the point is to discuss Hispanic gang crime.

See what I'm saying? The whole point is to point out liberal bias on college campuses (or is it campi-just kidding). So is the documentarian here supposed to devote half of his movie to non-biased teachers?


(Auntie) I think you're speaking Spanish and I'm speaking French. We will never understand each other. It's like ships passing in the night with no lights on; we're on the same planet,ssssoooooo close -- but just can't quite connect.

The answer to your question is no, the documentary wouldn't have to show both sides.  But what I hear you saying is that you -- you, as a person, as a human being -- are just like the documentary: you only see one side. And what I'm saying is, how can you be that way without understanding the other side?

I guess what scares me is that I see people with inflexible opinions as the reason behind wars. Literally. Whole societies have gone to war for thousands of years because they're right and the other side is wrong. And, all I'm saying is, it doesn't have to be that way.

I'm probably making no sense. You'll think differently -- I hope -- as you get older and become wiser. Yep, I'm gonna say that because, you know, it's actually true that your viewpoints about life change as you become old. I'm showing my age. :-)


(JM) Sure, as a human being, as an observer of a documentary, or whatever, you must have an open mind. This is what I tell my liberal friends who refuse to listen to Rush Limbaugh or watch Fox News. I say, "Sure, Rush is a conservative, and proudly admits it. So? So, just keep that in mind while you're listening to him, but listen." Now, does Rush have to present liberal views on his show? No, of course not. You go to him knowing what you're going to get...conservatism. It is incumbent upon individuals to also go and listen to liberal radio, or watch CNN. This is how you get both sides, not from the same source, which is silly, but from a variety of sources.

I'll tell you one thing, conservatives, on the whole, are much better versed in and willing to listen to liberals and their ideas than vice versa. How well versed are you in conservative sources? How tolerant of them are you? How flexible? When you see Bush's face on TV, or simply hear the name Rush Limbaugh, you retch do you not?

Am I saying that conservatives are more open minded than liberals? You bet I am.

My viewpoints change as I become better informed.


(JM) not to beat a dead horse but...


Sandra Bernhard said something vile no conservative Republican would ever say.

(Auntie) Anyone who watches this kind of stuff should consider the source. I wouldn't stoop to such trash, nor circulate it.

(JM) Wait...you read the New York Times right? I hear their circulation dropped 80% in the second quarter. Why? Because more and more peole realize that it is not a hard news publication...they have a blatant agenda. Simply- it is a disreputable publication.

Did you even look at those links? Video doesn't lie....

(Auntie) Yes, I looked at the video. Briefly. Very trashy. Again, darling, you are hearing rumors and giving them validity.

(JM) How can you pooh pooh that video? This is indicative of what goes on in the left today. That's where the vitriol is. Also, if you have any damning evidence that my sources are corrupt, then you have to share that with me. I do not want to give credence to dishonest sources. I'd rather know the truth and discard them. So, if you have anything incriminating, then please share it with me.

Also, not sure if you've had time to peruse my conversation with a left leaning friend of mine- Russ (I know you are very busy), but I wrote this in his honor...

A liberal always accuses a conservative of doing the very things that they do. If you send them a conservative source, then they will pooh pooh it as biased. Of course, they do this as they send you their liberal source. If you dare point out the absurd double standard, then they will call you a hypocrite. If you agree to read their source as long as they agree to read yours, then they accuse you of being evasive. If you do read it, and logically and rationally refute it with facts, then they call you an ideologue. By the way, do not expect any sort of honest analysis from the thing that you have asked them to peruse. If, at this point, you protest too much, then they say you are being too sensitive. Once you point out the ridiculous nature of all of this, then they claim to be fed up and no longer wish to correspond with you. Now that is a liberal my friend.

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